Learn about College of The Albemarle’s (COA) accommodations, including ones for testing, audio recordings, alternative books formats, seating, service animal access, attendance and breaks. All definitions for accommodations can be found in Procedure
Testing Services
- It’s your responsibility to schedule your upcoming tests/exams; You should schedule testing services (Google form) as soon as you’re made aware of an upcoming test/exam
- You must schedule at least 48 business hours in advance of a test (Google form) (pop quizzes will be managed on a case-by-case basis); a 9 a.m. test on Monday must be scheduled by 9 a.m. the previous Friday
- If you need read aloud, you must schedule at least 48 business hours in advance (Google form)
- You must arrive on time; If you’re more than 15 minutes late for your scheduled start time, you’ll be required to reschedule your test with your instructor
- You’ll not be allowed to take your book bag, purse, phone or electronics (i.e., Apple/Samsung watches, tablet, kindle); You may leave these items in a locker or with the Coordinator, Academic Support Center or designated testing personnel
- Calculators are only allowed with the consent of the instructor
- You’ll be monitored while testing, either with a live proctor or via computer/video monitoring; All instances of Academic Dishonesty will be reported to appropriate college personnel
Extended Time on Assignment Accommodation
Extended time on assignments may be granted as an accommodation where possible but may not apply to all assignments. The student must request extended time on each assignment they are seeking the accommodation for, obtain a new due date from their instructor, and keep in communication with their instructor.
Audio Recording Privileges
Audio recording privileges are for lecture classes only and are to be used for the purpose of notes.
- Recorded lectures may not be shared for any reason, without the express written consent of the instructor or other lecturer
- Recorded lectures may not be used against any faculty member, other lecturer, or other students whose comments are recorded as part of the class activity
- Classroom activity may include some self-disclosure from faculty or other students; It’s your responsibility to turn off the recording device during any portion of the class that is not part of the lecture
- All recordings are to be deleted at the end of the semester
- Information contained in recorded lectures is protected under federal copyright laws and may not be published or quoted without the express written consent of the instructor or lecturer without proper identity and citation to the speaker
Alternative Format Books
Accommodations are available to students with disabilities that require an alternative to traditional paper books. The student is still required to purchase the textbook.
Preferential Seating
This accommodation is available to students whose disability requires the same seat in order to attend the lecture. Instructors are asked to assist in the facilitation of this seating arrangement. You will need to speak to the instructor to arrange which seat will work best to accommodate your needs.
Service Animal Access
Service animals are welcome on our campuses.
- While not required, we offer identification/registration for your service animal; This ensures that in the event you become separated from your service animal, college personnel can assist in reuniting you and the service animal
- Your service animal must remain under your control at all times while on campus (leash, harness or voice command)
- Your service animal is expected to refrain from disruptive behaviors (licking, biting, disruptive barking, etc.)
- Your service animal must have all required vaccinations
- To the extent possible, the service animal should be unobtrusive to others and not disrupt the learning environment
Access COA’s Service Animal Policy
Attendance Accommodations
Flexible Attendance
Students may require more than the allowable absences in a course and may be provided additional excused medical absences. These absences cannot be so excessive that the student cannot achieve the student learning outcomes. Established guidelines will be created for each course between the instructor, the coordinator, and the student. Some programs may follow a more rigid attendance policy due to regulations set by accrediting boards, state, and federal licensing agencies.
Please note: Certain programs have contact hour requirements dictated by the state or national board policies which cannot be waived.
A student with this accommodation is expected to:
- Understand that “flexible attendance” does not mean “no attendance”
- In the event the student needs to miss a class due to their disability, the student must contact their instructor; It’s advised the student also contact the Accessibility Coordinator
- In the event the student’s absences are so excessive that the student cannot achieve the student learning outcomes, the student may be withdrawn for non-attendance
Frequent Breaks
Students may take breaks as needed or at agreed upon intervals during class and labs. Examples include but are not limited to: Stepping out of the classroom to get a beverage or snack, fresh air, or use the restroom. Students are expected to return to class in a timely manner. Certain programs may have contact hour requirements dictated by the state or national board policies and cannot be waived.
- You should make every effort to remain in class throughout the instruction time
- If you need to leave during class, you should do it in such a way as to minimize disruption to the learning environment
Permission to Stand/Stretch
Students may stand and stretch at the back of the classroom so long as it is not a distraction to others. If the instructor notifies the Accessibility Coordinator that this is a disruption, a review will determine possible alterations to the accommodation.
For more information:
Michelle Yasem
Coordinator, Accessibility and Student Conduct